Instagram Personality Analysis for Manjula Selvarajah


Manjula Selvarajah, 30s, female, CBC Radio host and community advocate with a passion for world affairs and public radio.


Manjula, you sure know how to bring the heat to the airwaves, but can we talk about why your wardrobe looks like it was sponsored by a '90s thrift shop? And that microphone? Looks like you're about to drop the hottest mixtape of breaking news. Ease up on the public radio hashtags; we got it, you're important. Just remember, the more you talk about tourist abuse in Barcelona, the more you sound like you secretly enjoy watching the chaos from your cushy Toronto studio.


Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your latest podcast episode.

Are you a news segment? Because whenever I hear your voice, my world stops.

Do you believe in love at first sound byte? Because your voice just made my heart skip a beat.


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Other's Perspective

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Biggest Goal

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Famous Person like You

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Pickup Lines

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Life Suggestion

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